And DBM. And DBMM.
Seriously, what edition are we on now and what version of the rules do most people currently play? It's been a long time since I played any iteration of the above rules other than Hordes of the Things. It's probably time I got back into my quick and easy 15mm historical gaming.
Can anyone offer any advice on which editions are current and what supplements are out there? I've been reading through some of the information on various websites for a while now and I'm throughly confused.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Thursday, 23 February 2012
13th Colonial Police Alpha Shift
It's been a busy week for me so far, but I did manage to squeeze in some personal time to paint some mini's of my own (you know, as opposed to someone else's). So here I present to you Alpha Shift of the 13th Colonial Police Division, Terminus Omega Police Station. You've probably noticed notice all the guys in the war-time get-up I've painted so far are white while some of the street cops have Pakistani/Indian/Bangladeshi flesh tones. Basically it's because I haven't got around to painting any of the Khurasan miniatures in darker skin tones yet. The final mix will have about 75% of the miniatures painted as traditionally pasty-fleshed, haven't-seen-the-sun-since-last-June-and-it's-now-May Scots. The remaining 25% will be painted as Scots with Mediterranean, Indian, Oriental, African and Arabic skin-tones.
13th CP Constables in Peace-Time "Patrol-Dress". I'd call them street clothes, if only 2300AD Bad Landing had actual streets.... |
Alpha Shift in War-Time "Battle Dress" Order. |
Aplha shift sergeant and his support-weapon armed constables. |
The shift's ordinary, assault-rifle armed constables. |
Monday, 20 February 2012
13th Colonial Police test miniatures
I didn't paint a great deal (or do much in the way of anything hobby related) yesterday, but I at least managed to finish some test figures for the 13th (Bad Landing) Colonial Police.
I'm quite happy with the colour scheme. It's a little dark given the Luna terrain they'll be used on, but the white helps to off-set the dark blue. The Infantryman (who will be the Inspector for this force) is a Khurasan Neo-Sov. The vehicle is a converted Matchbox Coyote 500. I was originally going to use this as the "Q" car, but I like it so much that I'm going to up-gun all the normal Panda patrol cars and use this as a typical Panda, albeit one with a little "unauthorised" field modification.
And finally, just to prove I'm as good as my word, the second of my nightly 28mm terrain pieces. Or as I like think of it, "why it's not a good idea to cut foam card without a steel rule when you're just about to go the bed." It's a bit squint. I'll just blame it on subsidence. Or maybe I'll just trim a little of the top when the glue's had a chance to set for a few days. Must remember to take pictures of the AFTER I've stuck in the bullet holes with a sharp pencil.
I'm quite happy with the colour scheme. It's a little dark given the Luna terrain they'll be used on, but the white helps to off-set the dark blue. The Infantryman (who will be the Inspector for this force) is a Khurasan Neo-Sov. The vehicle is a converted Matchbox Coyote 500. I was originally going to use this as the "Q" car, but I like it so much that I'm going to up-gun all the normal Panda patrol cars and use this as a typical Panda, albeit one with a little "unauthorised" field modification.
And finally, just to prove I'm as good as my word, the second of my nightly 28mm terrain pieces. Or as I like think of it, "why it's not a good idea to cut foam card without a steel rule when you're just about to go the bed." It's a bit squint. I'll just blame it on subsidence. Or maybe I'll just trim a little of the top when the glue's had a chance to set for a few days. Must remember to take pictures of the AFTER I've stuck in the bullet holes with a sharp pencil.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
The Hanger Bay & Wasteland Scenery
My good friend Mecha-Ace has just started a fine new wargaming blog, The Hanger Bay. Only one article so far as he's only just started blogging today. But if I know Mecha, and I do, it will be a great gaming blog.
Secondly, last night I spent a fifteen minutes or so putting together a section of ruined modular 28mm building for Aftermath and other Post Apocalyptic wargaming. The plan is to do one of these a night until I use up an A3 sheet of foamcard or run out of CD's. After that I'll base, texture and paint them altogether. I'll probably do a batch of 15mm buildings in a similar fashion while I'm at it. Though I intend to make the 15mm buildings intact structures for Bad Landing scenarios.
Secondly, last night I spent a fifteen minutes or so putting together a section of ruined modular 28mm building for Aftermath and other Post Apocalyptic wargaming. The plan is to do one of these a night until I use up an A3 sheet of foamcard or run out of CD's. After that I'll base, texture and paint them altogether. I'll probably do a batch of 15mm buildings in a similar fashion while I'm at it. Though I intend to make the 15mm buildings intact structures for Bad Landing scenarios.
Saturday, 18 February 2012
13th (Bad Landing) Colonial Police Division, TOA
Just the germ of an idea I'm toying around with with regards to creating my "army" for games of Tomorrow's War and Laserburn. Nothing in the TOA is set in Stone yet, but I'm working on it.
Following the act of Euro-Succession (2287AD), the newly Euro-independent small nation of Scotland successfully sought -and obtained- legal possession of 15 formerly European colonies on a total of six worlds (including three moons). Each of the colonies in question possessed overwhelmingly Scottish populations. However, in order to ease (seemingly groundless) European concerns regarding unrest and social disorder in other Euro colonies with large Scottish populations -disorder that was sure to result in Scottish military intervention- the treaty enforced strict restrictions on Scotland's extra-territorial (meaning extra-solar) military capabilities.
In short, Scotland was barred from stationing permanent military forces off-world, while being permitted to station small numbers of armed "law-enforcement" personell on her colonies to maintain order. While the specific wording of the treaty precluded these law-enforcement personnel from carrying arms except for "police purposes" some creative interpretation of these laws allowed Scotland to field what essentially mounts to a para-military police force in defence of it's colonies.
In accordance with the treaty, Colonial Police personnel do not wear military uniform (interpreted by Scotland to mean "camouflage"), nor do they use military ranks or a military organisational structure.
However, arguing that law-enforcement personnel on distant colonies must be able to respond to almost any imaginable situation, Colonial Police (or CP) constables can and do wear body armour and make use of both armoured vehicles and hi-tech weaponry (Main Battle tanks, however, were specifically excluded under the terms of the treaty).
The Colonial Police Force, headed by it's own Chief Constable and answerable directly to the Queen and First Minister, is comprised of 15 divisions, one for each colony. Each Division is commanded by an Assistant Chief Constable. Though not Divisions in the military sense, each CP Division is a self-sufficient unit capable of conducting a spirited, mobile defence of their colony while awaiting the arrival of reinforcements from Sol. Although the strength of each Division varies greatly, each is comprised of a number of Sub-Divisions commanded by a Chief Superintendent and his second in command, a Superintendent. Each Sub-Division is further divided into a number of Stations, each led by a Chief Inspector assisted by an Inspector. Almost without exception, this "Inspector" is a fully trained military officer on "extended leave" from the Scottish Defence Force. Technically responsible for "Personnel" and "Training"; the Inspector is actually the officer who takes de facto command of the Station in the event of a military incident.
While the number of Stations in each Sub-Division varies considerably -as does the number of Sub-Divisions within a Division- each Station has an identical table of organisation and equipment roughly analogous to a reinforced mechanised infantry platoon. It is this structure which is outlined below.
1 x "Inspector"
1 x Driver/Bodyguard
1x Police Casualty Surgeon.
Community Policing Teams:
Most CP costables assigned to the station belong in this role. A typical shift consists of 1 Sargent assisted by two "old-in-service" constables with considerable experience. The balance of the shift consists of constables described as "young-in-service" -having between two and ten years service- and probationers with less than two years service. In peace-time the on-duty shift typically patrol in pairs, armed only with hand-guns and concealable armour vests and crewing one of the station's six Pandas. However, every Constable keeps his Personal Weapon and body-armour in his Panda's Storage Bay. When an arrest is made, the Constables call for the Support Unit to attend with the Cell Van (or "Boogy-Bus") to collect the apprehended persons.
2x Constables with SAW
2x Constables with LAW
6x Constables with Personal Weapon
Note: The Sgt normally forms a support fire team by selecting either the SAW or LAW gunners to accompany him. Two senior constables then form 2 four-man fire teams from the remaining eight constables.
Support unit personnel are normally older constables with between ten and twenty years service. During peace-time operations they act as a reserve shift for the purposes of responding to major incidents such as bar-fights, drug-busts or searching for missing persons. Two Support Unit personnel man the "Q" or "Quick Response" car to assist any Community Policing car that requires back-up or to take the lead in any difficult incidents that require the attendance of more experienced constables.
Motor Pool:
During peace-time, all vehicle crews are drawn from the Community Policing and Support Unit shifts on duty. In war-time, part-time volunteer Constables known as Special Constables (or "Specials") crew the motor-pools vehicles. Many of these Specials are themselves retired military or colonial police personnel.
Following the act of Euro-Succession (2287AD), the newly Euro-independent small nation of Scotland successfully sought -and obtained- legal possession of 15 formerly European colonies on a total of six worlds (including three moons). Each of the colonies in question possessed overwhelmingly Scottish populations. However, in order to ease (seemingly groundless) European concerns regarding unrest and social disorder in other Euro colonies with large Scottish populations -disorder that was sure to result in Scottish military intervention- the treaty enforced strict restrictions on Scotland's extra-territorial (meaning extra-solar) military capabilities.
In short, Scotland was barred from stationing permanent military forces off-world, while being permitted to station small numbers of armed "law-enforcement" personell on her colonies to maintain order. While the specific wording of the treaty precluded these law-enforcement personnel from carrying arms except for "police purposes" some creative interpretation of these laws allowed Scotland to field what essentially mounts to a para-military police force in defence of it's colonies.
In accordance with the treaty, Colonial Police personnel do not wear military uniform (interpreted by Scotland to mean "camouflage"), nor do they use military ranks or a military organisational structure.
However, arguing that law-enforcement personnel on distant colonies must be able to respond to almost any imaginable situation, Colonial Police (or CP) constables can and do wear body armour and make use of both armoured vehicles and hi-tech weaponry (Main Battle tanks, however, were specifically excluded under the terms of the treaty).
The Colonial Police Force, headed by it's own Chief Constable and answerable directly to the Queen and First Minister, is comprised of 15 divisions, one for each colony. Each Division is commanded by an Assistant Chief Constable. Though not Divisions in the military sense, each CP Division is a self-sufficient unit capable of conducting a spirited, mobile defence of their colony while awaiting the arrival of reinforcements from Sol. Although the strength of each Division varies greatly, each is comprised of a number of Sub-Divisions commanded by a Chief Superintendent and his second in command, a Superintendent. Each Sub-Division is further divided into a number of Stations, each led by a Chief Inspector assisted by an Inspector. Almost without exception, this "Inspector" is a fully trained military officer on "extended leave" from the Scottish Defence Force. Technically responsible for "Personnel" and "Training"; the Inspector is actually the officer who takes de facto command of the Station in the event of a military incident.
While the number of Stations in each Sub-Division varies considerably -as does the number of Sub-Divisions within a Division- each Station has an identical table of organisation and equipment roughly analogous to a reinforced mechanised infantry platoon. It is this structure which is outlined below.
Terminus Omega Spaceport Station, Alpha Sub-Division:
1 x Chief Inspector.1 x "Inspector"
1 x Driver/Bodyguard
1x Police Casualty Surgeon.
Community Policing Teams:
Most CP costables assigned to the station belong in this role. A typical shift consists of 1 Sargent assisted by two "old-in-service" constables with considerable experience. The balance of the shift consists of constables described as "young-in-service" -having between two and ten years service- and probationers with less than two years service. In peace-time the on-duty shift typically patrol in pairs, armed only with hand-guns and concealable armour vests and crewing one of the station's six Pandas. However, every Constable keeps his Personal Weapon and body-armour in his Panda's Storage Bay. When an arrest is made, the Constables call for the Support Unit to attend with the Cell Van (or "Boogy-Bus") to collect the apprehended persons.
- Alpha Shift:
2x Constables with SAW
2x Constables with LAW
6x Constables with Personal Weapon
Note: The Sgt normally forms a support fire team by selecting either the SAW or LAW gunners to accompany him. Two senior constables then form 2 four-man fire teams from the remaining eight constables.
- Bravo Shift:
- Charlie Shift:
- Delta Shift:
Support Unit:
Support unit personnel are normally older constables with between ten and twenty years service. During peace-time operations they act as a reserve shift for the purposes of responding to major incidents such as bar-fights, drug-busts or searching for missing persons. Two Support Unit personnel man the "Q" or "Quick Response" car to assist any Community Policing car that requires back-up or to take the lead in any difficult incidents that require the attendance of more experienced constables.
- Echo Shift: 4x 2-man Mortar Teams + 1 Sgt
- Fox Shift: 4x 2 man HMG Teams +1 Sgt
- Golf Shift: 4x 2 man Anti-Tank Teams + 1 Sgt
- Zulu Shift: 4x Snipers.
Motor Pool:
During peace-time, all vehicle crews are drawn from the Community Policing and Support Unit shifts on duty. In war-time, part-time volunteer Constables known as Special Constables (or "Specials") crew the motor-pools vehicles. Many of these Specials are themselves retired military or colonial police personnel.
- 1x Armoured/Unarmed Cell Van ("Boogy Bus"): 1x Crew. Carries up to 14 constables. Unarmed
- 1x Unarmed.Hovercraft: 2 Crew. Carries up to 4 constables.
- 1x Command APC: 2x Crew . Up to 11 Constables.
- 6x APC's: 2x Crew. Carries up to 12 Constables.
- 6 x Unarmoured/Unarmed Patrol Cars ("Pandas"). Carry two Constables drawn from CP or Support shifts.
- 1x Q-Car (Rapid Response/Scout Car) 2x senior ("old-in-service") Constables usually drawn from the Support Unit.
15mm Colonists/Vault Dwellers
I just realised two things: first, for a 15mm blog there's been quite a lot of 28mm posts lately. Secondly, I've got some more 15mm pictures I haven't put up. So here's some recently completed 15mm miniatures. Those of you who follow my Lead Legion Painting Service blog will have seen these before.
Re-painted 15mm-ish Die Casts |
15mm GZG Colonist and Armed Colonists |
15mm GZG Colonist and Colonist Kids |
Friday, 17 February 2012
Great Ebay Find: But How to Paint It?
This lovely gem just arrived in the post a few days ago. I won it on Ebay for practically nothing. It's going to be used as a Transport type vehicle in play-test games of Aftermath, the new PA Skirmish rules that I'm working on. Thing is... now I sort of have a dillemma.
This is a lovely diecast toy, and while it needs to have at least some paintwork done to it, where do I stop? How much would be too much? Do I keep the original paint and just give it a wash of Devlan mud or badab black or do I apply a completely new basecoat over the existing paintwork and repaint the whole thing from scratch? Do I leave the windows transparent or do I paint them like I do with my 15mm mini's?
My original plan had been to paint this mini in the same dark blue as my Vaulter-Dwellers wear on their overalls and paint a big Vault 13 sign on the side. Now my conscious is pulling at me? Thoughts? Painting Suggestions? Ideas? All are welcome.
This is a lovely diecast toy, and while it needs to have at least some paintwork done to it, where do I stop? How much would be too much? Do I keep the original paint and just give it a wash of Devlan mud or badab black or do I apply a completely new basecoat over the existing paintwork and repaint the whole thing from scratch? Do I leave the windows transparent or do I paint them like I do with my 15mm mini's?
My original plan had been to paint this mini in the same dark blue as my Vaulter-Dwellers wear on their overalls and paint a big Vault 13 sign on the side. Now my conscious is pulling at me? Thoughts? Painting Suggestions? Ideas? All are welcome.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Post Apocalypse Terrain WIP
Ah the wonders of Poundland! Here's some Work in Progress and Work not-yet-started shots of some terrain acquisitions for Aftermath: Post Apocalyptic Skirmishing.
This die-cast civilian car has had it's matte-spray but otherwise hasn't been touched. I made a stupid error on the police car in my over-eagerness: I removed the windows before spraying. Unlike the other vehicles seen here, the Police 4x4 will be an actual dedicated gaming piece rather than doing double duty as terrain. It's an ideal road-warrior car. I'm going to pintle-mount an M60 on the hood (bonnet if you're British like me) for a gunner and close up the empty window spaces with wire mesh before painting.
For more PA-ish miniatures, take a look at my Lead Legion blog. I've just put up a painted test-batch of 28mm zombies.
This first one here is a die-cast car that's nearly finished. The whole car was first sprayed with Matte Varnish (including the windows, to help acquire that grimy look abandoned car windows have). It was then heavily dry brushed with a dusty brown paint (Vallejo English Uniform). Scratch marks are black highlighted with chainmail. The car was then given a wash of black ink. The spray-on-varnish used earlier helped the ink adhere to the surface of the windows, darkening them further.
I then added some more scratch marks and dents (to represent more recent damage) and screwed the tip of a sharp knife into the windows to make bullet holes. If I'd wanted older bullet holes, I'd have done this before the ink wash. I'll also be adding rust later. In order to capture the feeling that this car has been abandoned for a while, I'll be creating a base for it in the form of a sand drift. The car won't be fixed in place however. I want to be able to use it for modern-period gaming as well as Post-Apocalypse.
Next up, we have my favourite and least favourite acquisitions side by side. The bus is exactly 28mm scale. The large JCB, obviously, isn't. Both of these vehicles will need full re-paints (unlike the die-casts) after the decals are removed. Like the car above, they'll have removable bases so they can be used as both stationary terrain pieces and working vehicles.
Lastly, two trucks. The look pretty good here side by side but when placed near the bus it becomes fairly clear that they are closer to 25mm than 28mm in scale. Still, they'll do the job well enough as scenery pieces. Unlike the other toys featured here, I doubt I'll ever be able to use these as functional vehicles because of the scale imbalance.
For more PA-ish miniatures, take a look at my Lead Legion blog. I've just put up a painted test-batch of 28mm zombies.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Flo Green: World's Last WWI Veteran Dies
Florence Green, the world's last surviving WWI veteran, died in her sleep at a care home in Norfolk just two weeks before her 111th birthday. She was the last surviving person to have seen active service in WWI following the death of British-born sailor Claude Choules in Australia last year. She died on February 4th 2012.
She served with Britain'sWomen’s RAF (WRAF), which she joined in September 1918. Although she did not see front-line action, the charity Veteran’s Aid said she qualifies as a veteran of the war.
She served with Britain'sWomen’s RAF (WRAF), which she joined in September 1918. Although she did not see front-line action, the charity Veteran’s Aid said she qualifies as a veteran of the war.
Mrs Green, who turned 109 in last February and was a great-grandmother-of-seven (as of January 2010), worked as a waitress in the officers' mess during the war at RAF Marham and Narborough Airfield, both in Norfolk.
Her story came to light after Andrew Holmes, a British correspondent for the United States-based Gerontology Research Group, traced her name using the National Archive. Mr Holmes tracks and validates the ages of people over 110 and also keeps track of British men and women who are older than 107. He was amazed to locate a service record on the National Archive for Florence Beatrice Patterson, Mrs Green’s maiden name. He traced the records further and found that Florence had joined the WRAF in September 1918 - two months before the war ended on November 11, 1918.
Mrs Green, who was born on February 19, 1901 and joined the WRAF aged 17, said she had been unaware of her status until very recently. She said:
''I enjoyed my time in the WRAF. There were plenty of people at the airfields where I worked and they were all very good company. I would work every hour God sent but I had dozens of friends on the base and we had a great deal of fun in our spare time. In many ways I had the time of my life.
It was a lovely experience and I'm very proud.''
Until recently, Mrs Green, who was born in London, lived with her daughter May, 89, in King's Lynn, Norfolk. She was married to Walter Green, a railway porter in 1920, for 50 years until his death in 1970.
Last year, when her status as a WWI veteran was discovered, Wing Commander Hugh Milroy, from the veteran's charity Veterans Aid, said:
“This goes to show that there is a huge variation in the type of veterans we have in this country. ''Women like her played a vitally important role in the British war effort and the fact she is now the last surviving veteran is some achievement.”
Before the discovery of Mrs Green's service history, it was believed that British-born Gladys Powers, who died in Canada in 2008, was the last female veteran.
Harry Patch, recently known as "The Last Fighting Tommy" from Somerset, was previously the last surviving British World War one veteran and died in 2009 aged 111.
The penultimate survivor was Henry Allingham, who also died in 2009 aged 113. Henry famously survived the Battle of Jutland.
''I enjoyed my time in the WRAF. There were plenty of people at the airfields where I worked and they were all very good company. I would work every hour God sent but I had dozens of friends on the base and we had a great deal of fun in our spare time. In many ways I had the time of my life.
It was a lovely experience and I'm very proud.''
Until recently, Mrs Green, who was born in London, lived with her daughter May, 89, in King's Lynn, Norfolk. She was married to Walter Green, a railway porter in 1920, for 50 years until his death in 1970.
Last year, when her status as a WWI veteran was discovered, Wing Commander Hugh Milroy, from the veteran's charity Veterans Aid, said:
“This goes to show that there is a huge variation in the type of veterans we have in this country. ''Women like her played a vitally important role in the British war effort and the fact she is now the last surviving veteran is some achievement.”
Before the discovery of Mrs Green's service history, it was believed that British-born Gladys Powers, who died in Canada in 2008, was the last female veteran.
Harry Patch, recently known as "The Last Fighting Tommy" from Somerset, was previously the last surviving British World War one veteran and died in 2009 aged 111.
The penultimate survivor was Henry Allingham, who also died in 2009 aged 113. Henry famously survived the Battle of Jutland.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Aftermath Preview: Crews and Gangs
The second is a series of short previews of my forth-coming Aftermath 28mm Post Apocalypse Skirmish Rules.
One important decision for Aftermath players is whether they want to field a Band of (relatively) law-abiding and respectable types known as a Crew or else head up a vicious, desperate outlaw Gang. Crews are generally welcome in towns and trading posts and find it easier to acquire and repair hi-tech items. Gang's, on the other hand, have to rely on Black Market traders and Slavers for obtaining additional equipment and can rarely find the choicest items unless they happen to steal them from another Band. However, Gang's can sell captured enemy fighters to Slavers with no harm to their reputation. Gangs that win the roll to choose a scenario can also choose to play certain missions that place law-abiding Crew opponents at something of a disadvantage. Crews are unable to take part in Gang scenario's unless playing as the defender and vice versa (no-one would hire a Gang to protect a merchant caravan for example, but they could certainly raid it). Crews cannot play the attacker in Gang scenario's- not unless they are willing to risk being outlawed themselves.
Bounty's and Slave-Trading:
Another significant difference is that every Fighter in a Gang has a bounty on his head that can be redeemed by any Crew that captures or kills him. Gangs can't collect a Bounty on other gang members they capture, but they can still sell a captured Ganger (or anyone else for that matter) into slavery. Selling a captured figure into slavery often pays more, but Crews that partake of the Slave trade risk angering "Authority" and becoming an outlaw Gang themselves.
"Authority" is a nebulous term in the post-crash world. Rather than referring to a specific group or individual, the term encompasses many diverse, powerful organisations with sufficient political and military clout to place a bounty on a Band's head and have them declared outlaws. Once a bounty is posted, other "Authorities", even those completely un-related or even opposed to the bounty-posting authority will honour the bounty and treat the outlawed Band as a Gang. The political fallout from continuing a working relationship with a band someone else has declared outlaw is just too great.
However, if an outlaw Gang can prove it's worth to Authority (perhaps even the same group that posted the bounty in the first place) then it's possible for the Gang to have it's bounty "bought out". Essentially, this allows a Gang to attain Crew status. Yet regaining Crew status once a band has been declared outlaw is neither common nor easy.
On Man-Hatin' island, groups considered part of the "Authority" include: large trading posts, major settlements, the Slaving Guilds, major caravan cartels (not including starting caravener Bands, which are strictly small fry), large religious groups and even organised crime. Just because a group is considered an Authority, it doesn't mean that group is exactly what could be termed upright and law-abiding themselves. To qualify as Authority, a group just has to have enough clout to make sure other, similarly powerful groups, listen to it's demands. The ultimate aim for many Bands -Crew and Gang alike- is to acquire sufficient power to become Authority themselves.
Once you've settled on whether you aim to play a Crew or a Gang, it's time to pick your faction. Some factions can begin the game as a Crew or a Gang as the player wishes. Certain factions must begin the game as one or the other, although it is possible to switch between Crew and Gang status several times during the course of the campaign. The faction you choose will decide what skills, equipment and even starting territories you fighters have access to when they begin the game. The list of available factions is as follows:
Alienists: Waco's and nut-jobs, Alienists are dedicated body and soul to the worship of one or more alien life forms. That life form might be a powerful mutant animal, a genetically engineered creature created in an Alienist lab or some horrible beast summoned from the outer dark (or so the Alienists claim at any rate). Alienists may begin play as Crews if they wish, but will almost certainly be declared outlaws and become a gang within their first few games (human sacrifice isn't generally tolerated by Authority. It's a waste of resources). Available skill groups: Savagery, Fighting, Stealth, Social.
Amazons: Amazons are all female bands of warrior women. Most Amazon bands consist of escaped slaves or female settlers who have lost all their men-folk to mutation, raiders or disease. Some are little better than Raider's themselves. Amazon bands may begin as Crews if the player wishes. However, most Amazon Bands upset the Authority simply by existing. The majority of Amazon Bands begins as Gangs. Amazons have access to the Survival, Stealth, Social and Agility skill groups.
Bikers: A sub-set of Raiders who favour bikes and other vehicles, Bikers are savage Raiders bound by their love of gas fumes and the open roads. Whether mere opportunists or true wasteland savages, they share something of a tribal outlook. Biker Bands have access to the Survival, Scavenging, Mechanical and Muscle skills.
Bugs: Mutant insect colonies plague the wastelands of Man-Hatin' Island. Desert loonies often claim that the Bug's are intelligent, but as those old coots are completely nuts, no-one listens to them anyway. Almost everyone knows -and believes- that bugs either feed captured humans to their young or else turn em into other bugs through some murky, misunderstood biological process. Bugs are always considered Gangs. Available Skill Groups : Fighting, Survival, Stealth, Agility
Bots: Rogue Bots are the scourge of the Wasteland. Most Bot bands are formed around a small core of Warbots obeying their final programming to hunt down and destroy recidivists and the enemy (alas, most normal folks look like recidivists to pre-crash Bots). Most surviving warbots have assembled a Band of reprogrammed maintenance, cleaning and household Bots to wage a war that never even began. Needless to say, starting Bot bands always begin as Gangs. Available skill groups include Robotics (obviously), Fighting, Shooting and Muscle.
Carvaners: Traders, merchants or couriers (and often all three) the Caravaners are experts at traversing the wastes, bring their goods to market. The vast majority of Caravaners are careful to keep on the right side (that being the good side) of Authority and begin play as Crews. A few specialise in black market dealings and the slave trade. These begin play as Gangs. Access to the Social, Agility, Scavenging and Shooting skill groups.
Mercs: Mercs are out to make money by fighting other people's battles. Hated and despised almost as much as the Raiders they are often hired to destroy, Merc's must walk a very fine line when choosing their contracts, lest the cross the wrong person and find themselves declared outlaw. Mercs begin the game as Crews. They have access to the Stealth, Muscle, Fighting and Shooting skill groups.
Muties: Muties are the irradiated outcasts of human society, driven from their communities to prevent furthercorruption of the gene-pool. Some few Mutie gangs begin the game as Crews, mostly because they are employed by a legitimate person or community to perform the dangerous tasks the humans consider themselves too good for. The vast majority of Mutie Bands begin the game as Gangs. Many Muties dream of acquiring crew status and a semi-respectable life. Even more dream of taking their revenge on humanity by killing and eating every last human alive.Mutie Bands have access to the Fighting, Survival, Scavenging and Savagery skill groups.
Natives: When the crash came, the people that coped best with the upheaval were members of the First Nations. Many First Nation tribes recalled their people to their old tribal reservations where they prospered. Some tribes allowed entry to outsiders. Many did not. Natives may begin play as a Crew or a Gang, depending more on whether the Band belongs to a tribe allied to Authority or one that has been declared "Renegade". Natives have access to Survival, Fighting, Scavenging and Stealth skills.
Nomads: Nomads, whether they favour travel by horse, mutant animal or motor vehicle, share the middle ground between Bikers and Road Warriors, being concerned with survival rather than conflict for it's own sake. They may begin play either as Crew or Gangs. Available skill groups include: Mechanics (or Agility), Survival, Scavenging and Shooting.
Raiders: Raiders are the most hated Bands in the Wastelands. Whether dabbling in slavery or simply a band of brutal, ravaging thugs led by a crazed madman with delusions of grandeur, Raiders are bad news for everyone around them. Easily the most feared inhabitants of the Wastes, they almost invariably either begin play as a Gang or else become one very quickly when their true nature becomes apparent. Usually after just a few games. Raiders have ready access to the Muscle, Fighting, Savagery and Mechanical skill groups.
Road Warriors: Nomads with a cause. Road Warrior bands roam the wastelands hiring themselves out as mercenaries or hunting down Raiders, Bikers and Scravers who prey on those who live upon the open road. Modern day knights, their motor vehicles are their mighty steeds of war. Road Warrior gangs form a core around one or two drivers with high quality vehicles, usually supported by a dedicated mechanical team. Most Road Warrior Bands begin play as Crews, but some have paid the price for taking on corrupt Authority figures and have been declared outlaw gangs. Road Warriors have access to the Mechanical, Social, Survival and Shooting skills.
Scravers: Inhabitants of the deepest subways, sewers and most polluted barrens, Scravers are exiles and the descendants of exiles. Not quite as depraved as Raiders nor as bestial as Muties, Scravers do their best to survive on the fringes of other communities. Though indulging in occasional acts of banditry and theft, Scravers are opportunists rather than dedicated bands of Raiders. Due to their wretched state, Scravers are often regarded with pity by Wastelanders and Road Warriors -right before they blow the Scravers brains out for trying to steal their stuff. Available skills: Survival, Scavenging, Stealth, Savagery.
Slavers: Specialists in non-lethal weapons, slavers do exactly what their name suggests: capture members of other bands and sell them into slavery. Although the Slavers Guild is part of the Authority, they don't like competition, so Slaver Bands always start out as Gangs. Available Skills: Stealth, Muscle, Fighting, Social
Supremacists: Whether preaching the genocide of Muties, Natives, Nomads, Bikers or even the rest ofmankind save themselves, all Supremacist Bands have three things in common: regimentation, a charismatic despot and a deep abiding hatred for everything (and everyone) different from themselves. Access to the Social, Savagery, Fighting and Shooting skill groups.
Technocrats: Technocrats are devoted to the location and preservation of tech for the betterment of mankind. Meaning they want to locate hi-tech items and lock them away so that other people can't use it to destroy the world again. Of course, Technocrats believe that there's nothing wrong with using hi-tech equipment themselves. Solely for the purpose of protecting their hidden caches from those who would abuse them, you understand? Technocrats can begin play as Crews or Gangs, but most begin (and remains as) Crews. At least until they find themselves presented with a chance to steal some lovely tech that they couldn't possibly pass-up. Technocrats have access to the Scavenging, Tech, Mechanical and Shooting skill groups.
Vaulters or Vault-Dwellers: Not all the people walking the wastelands today are descended from the survivors of the Crash. Others, called Vaulters, have survived for generations in underground bunkers. Bunkers that are beginning to fail. Vaulters are the most tech-savvy Bands around, but they completely lack wasteland survival skills and begin play with just a single territory. They are the preferred targets of Slavers, Raiders, Scravers and just about everyone else. Even technocrats have been known to kidnap Vaulters for their technical skills. Vault Dwellers always begin play as a Crew. They have access to the Social, Tech, Robotics and Shooting skills.
Wastelanders: Wastelanders are the ordinary people of the wastes, ranchers, settlers and factory workers just trying to make a living and feed their families. They often appear as referee controlled third parties in various scenarios but Wastelanders aren't afraid to fight to keep what little they've got and can be chosen as a Band, tied together by the bond of family. Wastelanders always begin play as a Crew, though cruel Authority (or desperate times) can sometimes result in a Wastelander family being declared outlaw. Especially if the Wastelanders find something valuable on their land. Available skill groups: Shooting, Survival, Social and Mechanical.
Zealots: Zealots believe in something greater than themselves and they believe in it something hard. Whether they call themselves Apostles of the Atom, Children of the Bomb or the True Church of the Risen Christ, they all have one thing in common: they're all bad shit insane. Most zealots begin play as Crews but it's only a matter of time before their wild beliefs force them into conflict with Authority. Available skill groups: Social, Savagery, Tech, Shooting
Zoners: Even on Man-Hatin' Island, there remain a few walled, gated communities called Pee-Zee's or "policed zones". PZ's are invariably inhabited by influential people with enough Caps to buy the loyalty and firepower of those less fortunate than themselves. A Zoner band represents the "Law Enforcement" and Security Personel of a P.Z's. By their very nature, Zoner Bands always begin play as Crews, though many are as brutal or corrupt as the Raiders they hunt. They have access to Social, Fighting, Shooting and Savagery skills.
One important decision for Aftermath players is whether they want to field a Band of (relatively) law-abiding and respectable types known as a Crew or else head up a vicious, desperate outlaw Gang. Crews are generally welcome in towns and trading posts and find it easier to acquire and repair hi-tech items. Gang's, on the other hand, have to rely on Black Market traders and Slavers for obtaining additional equipment and can rarely find the choicest items unless they happen to steal them from another Band. However, Gang's can sell captured enemy fighters to Slavers with no harm to their reputation. Gangs that win the roll to choose a scenario can also choose to play certain missions that place law-abiding Crew opponents at something of a disadvantage. Crews are unable to take part in Gang scenario's unless playing as the defender and vice versa (no-one would hire a Gang to protect a merchant caravan for example, but they could certainly raid it). Crews cannot play the attacker in Gang scenario's- not unless they are willing to risk being outlawed themselves.
Bounty's and Slave-Trading:
Another significant difference is that every Fighter in a Gang has a bounty on his head that can be redeemed by any Crew that captures or kills him. Gangs can't collect a Bounty on other gang members they capture, but they can still sell a captured Ganger (or anyone else for that matter) into slavery. Selling a captured figure into slavery often pays more, but Crews that partake of the Slave trade risk angering "Authority" and becoming an outlaw Gang themselves.
"Authority" is a nebulous term in the post-crash world. Rather than referring to a specific group or individual, the term encompasses many diverse, powerful organisations with sufficient political and military clout to place a bounty on a Band's head and have them declared outlaws. Once a bounty is posted, other "Authorities", even those completely un-related or even opposed to the bounty-posting authority will honour the bounty and treat the outlawed Band as a Gang. The political fallout from continuing a working relationship with a band someone else has declared outlaw is just too great.
However, if an outlaw Gang can prove it's worth to Authority (perhaps even the same group that posted the bounty in the first place) then it's possible for the Gang to have it's bounty "bought out". Essentially, this allows a Gang to attain Crew status. Yet regaining Crew status once a band has been declared outlaw is neither common nor easy.
On Man-Hatin' island, groups considered part of the "Authority" include: large trading posts, major settlements, the Slaving Guilds, major caravan cartels (not including starting caravener Bands, which are strictly small fry), large religious groups and even organised crime. Just because a group is considered an Authority, it doesn't mean that group is exactly what could be termed upright and law-abiding themselves. To qualify as Authority, a group just has to have enough clout to make sure other, similarly powerful groups, listen to it's demands. The ultimate aim for many Bands -Crew and Gang alike- is to acquire sufficient power to become Authority themselves.
Once you've settled on whether you aim to play a Crew or a Gang, it's time to pick your faction. Some factions can begin the game as a Crew or a Gang as the player wishes. Certain factions must begin the game as one or the other, although it is possible to switch between Crew and Gang status several times during the course of the campaign. The faction you choose will decide what skills, equipment and even starting territories you fighters have access to when they begin the game. The list of available factions is as follows:
Alienists: Waco's and nut-jobs, Alienists are dedicated body and soul to the worship of one or more alien life forms. That life form might be a powerful mutant animal, a genetically engineered creature created in an Alienist lab or some horrible beast summoned from the outer dark (or so the Alienists claim at any rate). Alienists may begin play as Crews if they wish, but will almost certainly be declared outlaws and become a gang within their first few games (human sacrifice isn't generally tolerated by Authority. It's a waste of resources). Available skill groups: Savagery, Fighting, Stealth, Social.
Amazons: Amazons are all female bands of warrior women. Most Amazon bands consist of escaped slaves or female settlers who have lost all their men-folk to mutation, raiders or disease. Some are little better than Raider's themselves. Amazon bands may begin as Crews if the player wishes. However, most Amazon Bands upset the Authority simply by existing. The majority of Amazon Bands begins as Gangs. Amazons have access to the Survival, Stealth, Social and Agility skill groups.
Bikers: A sub-set of Raiders who favour bikes and other vehicles, Bikers are savage Raiders bound by their love of gas fumes and the open roads. Whether mere opportunists or true wasteland savages, they share something of a tribal outlook. Biker Bands have access to the Survival, Scavenging, Mechanical and Muscle skills.
Bugs: Mutant insect colonies plague the wastelands of Man-Hatin' Island. Desert loonies often claim that the Bug's are intelligent, but as those old coots are completely nuts, no-one listens to them anyway. Almost everyone knows -and believes- that bugs either feed captured humans to their young or else turn em into other bugs through some murky, misunderstood biological process. Bugs are always considered Gangs. Available Skill Groups : Fighting, Survival, Stealth, Agility
Bots: Rogue Bots are the scourge of the Wasteland. Most Bot bands are formed around a small core of Warbots obeying their final programming to hunt down and destroy recidivists and the enemy (alas, most normal folks look like recidivists to pre-crash Bots). Most surviving warbots have assembled a Band of reprogrammed maintenance, cleaning and household Bots to wage a war that never even began. Needless to say, starting Bot bands always begin as Gangs. Available skill groups include Robotics (obviously), Fighting, Shooting and Muscle.
Carvaners: Traders, merchants or couriers (and often all three) the Caravaners are experts at traversing the wastes, bring their goods to market. The vast majority of Caravaners are careful to keep on the right side (that being the good side) of Authority and begin play as Crews. A few specialise in black market dealings and the slave trade. These begin play as Gangs. Access to the Social, Agility, Scavenging and Shooting skill groups.
Mercs: Mercs are out to make money by fighting other people's battles. Hated and despised almost as much as the Raiders they are often hired to destroy, Merc's must walk a very fine line when choosing their contracts, lest the cross the wrong person and find themselves declared outlaw. Mercs begin the game as Crews. They have access to the Stealth, Muscle, Fighting and Shooting skill groups.
Muties: Muties are the irradiated outcasts of human society, driven from their communities to prevent furthercorruption of the gene-pool. Some few Mutie gangs begin the game as Crews, mostly because they are employed by a legitimate person or community to perform the dangerous tasks the humans consider themselves too good for. The vast majority of Mutie Bands begin the game as Gangs. Many Muties dream of acquiring crew status and a semi-respectable life. Even more dream of taking their revenge on humanity by killing and eating every last human alive.Mutie Bands have access to the Fighting, Survival, Scavenging and Savagery skill groups.
Natives: When the crash came, the people that coped best with the upheaval were members of the First Nations. Many First Nation tribes recalled their people to their old tribal reservations where they prospered. Some tribes allowed entry to outsiders. Many did not. Natives may begin play as a Crew or a Gang, depending more on whether the Band belongs to a tribe allied to Authority or one that has been declared "Renegade". Natives have access to Survival, Fighting, Scavenging and Stealth skills.
Nomads: Nomads, whether they favour travel by horse, mutant animal or motor vehicle, share the middle ground between Bikers and Road Warriors, being concerned with survival rather than conflict for it's own sake. They may begin play either as Crew or Gangs. Available skill groups include: Mechanics (or Agility), Survival, Scavenging and Shooting.
Raiders: Raiders are the most hated Bands in the Wastelands. Whether dabbling in slavery or simply a band of brutal, ravaging thugs led by a crazed madman with delusions of grandeur, Raiders are bad news for everyone around them. Easily the most feared inhabitants of the Wastes, they almost invariably either begin play as a Gang or else become one very quickly when their true nature becomes apparent. Usually after just a few games. Raiders have ready access to the Muscle, Fighting, Savagery and Mechanical skill groups.
Road Warriors: Nomads with a cause. Road Warrior bands roam the wastelands hiring themselves out as mercenaries or hunting down Raiders, Bikers and Scravers who prey on those who live upon the open road. Modern day knights, their motor vehicles are their mighty steeds of war. Road Warrior gangs form a core around one or two drivers with high quality vehicles, usually supported by a dedicated mechanical team. Most Road Warrior Bands begin play as Crews, but some have paid the price for taking on corrupt Authority figures and have been declared outlaw gangs. Road Warriors have access to the Mechanical, Social, Survival and Shooting skills.
Scravers: Inhabitants of the deepest subways, sewers and most polluted barrens, Scravers are exiles and the descendants of exiles. Not quite as depraved as Raiders nor as bestial as Muties, Scravers do their best to survive on the fringes of other communities. Though indulging in occasional acts of banditry and theft, Scravers are opportunists rather than dedicated bands of Raiders. Due to their wretched state, Scravers are often regarded with pity by Wastelanders and Road Warriors -right before they blow the Scravers brains out for trying to steal their stuff. Available skills: Survival, Scavenging, Stealth, Savagery.
Slavers: Specialists in non-lethal weapons, slavers do exactly what their name suggests: capture members of other bands and sell them into slavery. Although the Slavers Guild is part of the Authority, they don't like competition, so Slaver Bands always start out as Gangs. Available Skills: Stealth, Muscle, Fighting, Social
Supremacists: Whether preaching the genocide of Muties, Natives, Nomads, Bikers or even the rest ofmankind save themselves, all Supremacist Bands have three things in common: regimentation, a charismatic despot and a deep abiding hatred for everything (and everyone) different from themselves. Access to the Social, Savagery, Fighting and Shooting skill groups.
Technocrats: Technocrats are devoted to the location and preservation of tech for the betterment of mankind. Meaning they want to locate hi-tech items and lock them away so that other people can't use it to destroy the world again. Of course, Technocrats believe that there's nothing wrong with using hi-tech equipment themselves. Solely for the purpose of protecting their hidden caches from those who would abuse them, you understand? Technocrats can begin play as Crews or Gangs, but most begin (and remains as) Crews. At least until they find themselves presented with a chance to steal some lovely tech that they couldn't possibly pass-up. Technocrats have access to the Scavenging, Tech, Mechanical and Shooting skill groups.
Vaulters or Vault-Dwellers: Not all the people walking the wastelands today are descended from the survivors of the Crash. Others, called Vaulters, have survived for generations in underground bunkers. Bunkers that are beginning to fail. Vaulters are the most tech-savvy Bands around, but they completely lack wasteland survival skills and begin play with just a single territory. They are the preferred targets of Slavers, Raiders, Scravers and just about everyone else. Even technocrats have been known to kidnap Vaulters for their technical skills. Vault Dwellers always begin play as a Crew. They have access to the Social, Tech, Robotics and Shooting skills.
Wastelanders: Wastelanders are the ordinary people of the wastes, ranchers, settlers and factory workers just trying to make a living and feed their families. They often appear as referee controlled third parties in various scenarios but Wastelanders aren't afraid to fight to keep what little they've got and can be chosen as a Band, tied together by the bond of family. Wastelanders always begin play as a Crew, though cruel Authority (or desperate times) can sometimes result in a Wastelander family being declared outlaw. Especially if the Wastelanders find something valuable on their land. Available skill groups: Shooting, Survival, Social and Mechanical.
Zealots: Zealots believe in something greater than themselves and they believe in it something hard. Whether they call themselves Apostles of the Atom, Children of the Bomb or the True Church of the Risen Christ, they all have one thing in common: they're all bad shit insane. Most zealots begin play as Crews but it's only a matter of time before their wild beliefs force them into conflict with Authority. Available skill groups: Social, Savagery, Tech, Shooting
Zoners: Even on Man-Hatin' Island, there remain a few walled, gated communities called Pee-Zee's or "policed zones". PZ's are invariably inhabited by influential people with enough Caps to buy the loyalty and firepower of those less fortunate than themselves. A Zoner band represents the "Law Enforcement" and Security Personel of a P.Z's. By their very nature, Zoner Bands always begin play as Crews, though many are as brutal or corrupt as the Raiders they hunt. They have access to Social, Fighting, Shooting and Savagery skills.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Aftermath: Post Apocalypse Vault Dwellers
Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Man-Hatin' Island residents survived the Great Crash by taking shelter in the dozens of underground Vaults scattered around wealthier parts of what was once New York city. Though each vault was designed to become a self-sustaining environment, every few years another Vault is forced to open it's doors to the Wasteland above. Self-sustaining or not, parts break down and irreplaceable resources such as medicines, spare-parts and robots are used up. Given enough time, even the most efficiently managed vault will eventually have to send scavengers to the surface to locate vital parts. In Aftermath, this is where your Crew of Vault Dwellers comes in.
In the forthcoming Aftermath rules, Vault Dweller gangs possess rare -and useful- technical skills while completely lacking any of the essential day-to-day survival skills possessed by the rest of post-crash humanity. Even small children can teach a Vault Dweller a thing or too about finding clean water.
Unlike other gangs, which might start with as many as five territories and resources, Vault Dwellers start with just one, the Vault, but it's the best starting territory in the game. However, the vaults resources aren't infinite. They need to be husbanded carefully or else the Vault Dwellers risking stripping out their territory entirely. The early game for Vault Dwellers is a desperate race to secure new territories and resources for themselves, while at the same time defending their precious home from other Aftermath gangs.
Unlike other gangs, which might start with as many as five territories and resources, Vault Dwellers start with just one, the Vault, but it's the best starting territory in the game. However, the vaults resources aren't infinite. They need to be husbanded carefully or else the Vault Dwellers risking stripping out their territory entirely. The early game for Vault Dwellers is a desperate race to secure new territories and resources for themselves, while at the same time defending their precious home from other Aftermath gangs.
Vault Dweller gangs have to be especially careful not to leave any of their wounded behind. Given their technical skills and the relative lack of radiation damage to reproductive organs, Vault Dwellers are worth twice as much as other captured gangers and crewmembers when sold into slavery. Few captured Vault Dwellers are ever offered up for ransom as a result.
Vault Dwellers are also more susceptible to radiation damage than other Aftermath factions. Every time a Vault Dweller (including Robots) takes any radiation damage from environmental or weapon effects. they take an additional point of radiation damage. Cumulative radiation damage can lead to sickness, blindness, mutation and even death.
Vault Dwellers are also more susceptible to radiation damage than other Aftermath factions. Every time a Vault Dweller (including Robots) takes any radiation damage from environmental or weapon effects. they take an additional point of radiation damage. Cumulative radiation damage can lead to sickness, blindness, mutation and even death.
Here's a small selection of the troop types (Mark Copplestone miniatures I painted last night for play-testing) available to a Vault Dweller gang.
Vault Crew Leader:
Known variously as Overseer, Director, President, Underseer, Lieutenant (or one of a dozen other titles) a Vault Dweller Crew is always led either by the Vault's actual leader in person or (if he's getting on a bit) his designated successor.
Vault Leaders are capable leaders and managers, but lack the combat skills and ferocity of other Aftermath Crew/Gang Leaders.
Robot (not pictured):
The Vault founders were wise enough to know that the human memory is fallible, and thus left a number of robot minders to monitor and perform certain vital tasks in the Vault -everything from food preparation to teaching. These have since been reprogrammed to act in the communities defence. Robot gang-members are the only Vault Dwellers capable of using heavy weaponry, driving vehicles or operating man-portable heavy weapons in a starting Vault-Dweller gang.
Vault Dwellers are the typical inhabitants of a Vault. Skilled in maintaining and using advanced weaponry and other equipment, they are nonetheless lacking in close-combat and wasteland survival skills. Most even lack the skill to pilot any sort of vehicle or riding animal.
That being said, the Vault Dweller fights not for riches or wealth, but for the very survival of her home and family, giving the Vault Dweller guts and determination that few other starting gangers can match.
Vault Security Trooper:
Vault Security Troopers have considerably more training and combat expertise than their neighbours. For the most part, they are the only Vault Dwellers with any training in close combat, though even that is somewhat rudimentary.
Vault communities are small, where every life is precious and every pair of hands has to do it's part to ensure the colonies survival. As such, Vault children are put to work from a very early age. In these darker times, with the Vault doors finally opened, every Vault Dweller capable of bearing arms is expected -and often called upon- to help defend their neighbours in times of need.
More Post-Apocalypse Vault Dwellers:
I have some more photographs of the 15mm Vault Dwellers I was painting for tonight's cancelled Tomorrow's War game up on the Lead Legion Painting Service blog. Including the runaway kids, Vault Scout and the Overseer's security detail that left the Vault to chase them down.
More Post-Apocalypse Vault Dwellers:
I have some more photographs of the 15mm Vault Dwellers I was painting for tonight's cancelled Tomorrow's War game up on the Lead Legion Painting Service blog. Including the runaway kids, Vault Scout and the Overseer's security detail that left the Vault to chase them down.
Monday, 6 February 2012
Aftermath: Post Apocalypse Rules
Well, my plans for a 15mm Post Apocalypse game of Tomorrow's War on Tuesday having been scuppered, I plan on devoting most of the day to a project dear to my heart: the Aftermath 28mm Post-Apocalypse skirmish game.
Aftermath is a set of rules I've had percolating around my brain for years. Essentially, it's a "role-play lite" type wargame in the same vein as All Things Zombie, Necromunda, Legends of the Old West and Gorka Morka. Since Lead Legion is between commissions at the moment (at the least until the varnish dries) I'll start writing the damn rules and paint some miniatures for play-testing tomorrow. Rather than have 28mm take over this supposedly 15mm blog entirely, once I have a few posts and a head of steam going I'll probably move all the Aftermath stuff over to dedicated blog. But for the time being, I'm afraid Terminus Omega is going to be infested with yet more 28mm stuff.
In the meantime, just to keep up my 15mm credentials, here are some of the "Vault 13" security troopers I'd painted up especially for Tuesday's planned game of Tomorrow's War.
Aftermath is a set of rules I've had percolating around my brain for years. Essentially, it's a "role-play lite" type wargame in the same vein as All Things Zombie, Necromunda, Legends of the Old West and Gorka Morka. Since Lead Legion is between commissions at the moment (at the least until the varnish dries) I'll start writing the damn rules and paint some miniatures for play-testing tomorrow. Rather than have 28mm take over this supposedly 15mm blog entirely, once I have a few posts and a head of steam going I'll probably move all the Aftermath stuff over to dedicated blog. But for the time being, I'm afraid Terminus Omega is going to be infested with yet more 28mm stuff.
In the meantime, just to keep up my 15mm credentials, here are some of the "Vault 13" security troopers I'd painted up especially for Tuesday's planned game of Tomorrow's War.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Throne Agents
Some more stats and painted figures for the Throne Agents in my "In the Emperor's Name" solo campaign. All of these painted miniatures were recently featured on my Lead Legion blog.
We have:
Stitch (Ganger):
Logan (Interrogator):
Zork (Ogryn):
Officer Xia (Arbitor)
We have:
Stitch (Ganger):
A local under-hive ganger, Stitch saw her entire gang wiped out by a secretive new power in the under hive. Not a starting member of the Inquisitor Hellstrom's retinue, she is the "objective" in the first scenario of the campaign and will begin play as a player controlled character. If she survives, she'll join the retinue.
ItEN Stats:
Grit 4+, FV +2, Sv +2, Spd +2
Grit 4+, FV +2, Sv +2, Spd +2
Armour: 6+ (Synthskin/Gang Leathers)
Skills: Nose for Trouble, Medic Special: Escher Ganger (+2 SPD),
Gear: Combat Knife, Autopistol. Cost: 0 (initially), After Scenario 1: 31 points.
Skills: Nose for Trouble, Medic,
An ageing veteran, Logan tried (and failed) to achieve Inquisitor status several times before accepting his natural place as a Senior Interrogator. Formerly the Chief of Staff to Inquisitor Krungveld, he now acts as de facto second in command to Krungveld's young protegee, the newly-rosetted Inquisitor Hellstrom.
ItEN stats:
Grit 3+, FV +2, SV +2, Spd +1
Armour: Carapace (7+) Skills: None Special: May act as a Leader figure if Inquisitor Hellstrom is not taking part in the scenario. Gear: Lasgun, Autopistol, Sword. Cost: 29 points
Aneshia Kynes (Astropath):
Although an extremely powerful telepath (powerful enough to earn a place on the staff of an Inquisitor of the Holy Ordos) Aneshia Kynes is a rare case: an Astropath who is utterly blind. While others who have undergone the Soul Binding ritual are able to perceive their surroundings through the warp, not so with Aneshia.
As such, she requires a guide in order to move during the course of a scenario.
ItEN Stats:
Grit 5+, FV 0, SV 0, SPD -3, Special: Blind, Armour: Refraktor Shield (7+) Psyker Powers: Zone of Shadows, Path of Shadows, Dominatus. Gear: None. Cost: 44 points
Zork (Ogryn):
An extremely intelligent representative of his species (which, admittedly, is not saying much) Zork is deeply devout and carries a number of protective talismans which he believes keep him safe in battle.
So devout is his belief in the protective power of the Emperor, that he can shrug off wounds that would normally slay even another Ogryn.
ItEN Stats:
Grit 2+, FV +4, SV +2, Spd +0
Armour: "Ork Hide" 6+, Skills: Terrifying, Hard to Kill. Gear: Heavy Bolter, Big Choppa, Combat Knife, Cost: 51 points.
Officer Xia (Arbitor)
Xia is the local planetary Enforcer who first reported the strange goings on that prompted Inquisitor Krungveld's Investigation. Xia was wounded in the ambush that cost the Inquisitor his life and discharged from service. His services have been acquired by the young Inquisitor Hellstrom, who intends to make good use of his local knowledge of the Hive.
ItEN Stats:
Grit 4+, FV 2+, SV +2, Spd +0
Armour: Carapace 7+ Skills: Medic Gear: Autopistol, Shotgun, Shock Maul. Cost: 26 points.
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