Thursday 5 January 2012

Bad Landing Infrastructure and Objective Marker

The last few days have been quite busy.

 First up, we have a small building made from a pencil sharpener and a broken part from the Critical Mass objective marker from the last post.

As with the objective marker itself, I painted on the yellow paint extremely thickly with a very small brush to get that streak effect I'm so found of.

In retrospect, basing this terrain piece individually was probably a bad idea. I'm working on a large power plant building (using a polystyrene hemisphere as a centre piece) which is going to have a rather large base with plenty of empty space to place removable civilian vehicles, smaller utility buildings and the like. If I'd left the base off, I'd have a lot more options with regards to where to place this terrain piece on the occasions I use it as part of the larger complex.

And a second reason I'm not so keen on the base: it's far too thin. I only used two layers of cardboard for this base as opposed to my more usual four.

Next we have a large storage tank. Other than painting a damned huge "1" on top I've left it bare of any identifying markings for the sake of ensuring maximum versatility. It might be a water tank one day and a He3 storage tank the next. I haven't even added any external piping to the Army Painter Spray Paint lid I used to make it. Mostly because I intend to create or purchase modular pipelines that I can run into a suitable point at the bottom of the tank. I left the base off so that I can incorporate it into a larger facility or use it as a stand alone piece as needed.

I'm not too happy with the hazard lines at the bottom, but they were the best "parallel" lines I could manage in the time available.

Here we have an old, repainted Flames of War objective marker. A crashed WWII German plane. I'll be sticking a few Imperial Guard decals onto this one to finish it off. It's not the the crash for which Bad Landing is named. I need to find a suitably large model space-ship kit to cut up for that first, but a major crash-site is definitely on the cards.

Finally, we have a work in progress shot of a worker's barracks I made from architects' styrene. Only one of them appears here, but the other two are identical. Ideally I would have liked to cut out windows and use clear plastic for the "glass" but I'm not sure it would be wise to weaken the structure so much. Instead, I plan on gluing metal windows, doors and accessories from GZG to the three huts. Each one is 80mm long by 40mm wide by 30mm high. Again I've neglected to include a miniature for scale. As you can see from the picture, the roofs are removable.

I made three of these from one sheet costing about seven pounds. I still have enough left over to make some "repair patches" and even some sheet metal fencing. So not a bad deal really. I just wish the material was a little bit stronger. I've considered reinforcing it with cocktail sticks and the like, but that would mean gluing on the roofs as the interior wouldn't look right.

Anyway, tomorrow a photo and stats of my WH40K Rogue Trader Navigator figure in 28mm and 15mm scales. After that, well, I'm working on some Tau Fire Warrior conversions for my 15mm GZG New Israeli miniatures. The white metal doesn't show up very well in photographs but I'll have pictures put up as soon as they're painted.

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