Wednesday 9 January 2013

Saying Good-Bye to the old Fire Magnets

I've come to a difficult decision earlier today. I've been humming and hawing about it for a while, but in the end I decided it just had to be done. I'm parting with some old treads.

The four armoured vehicles in the post below were painted for my Imperial Guard army, and ended up getting painted red despite the fact my troops eventually ended up suitably garbed for sandy desert conditions. Given that I've never been a huge fan of the current IG infantry ranges available anyway, I've been considering getting rid of the entire army and -rebuilding it using Mantic Corporation troopers instead. But while I'd probably make more from selling a complete army rather than four individual vehicles, I can't bear to part with my IG infantry just yet.

Maybe when all those Mantic ones are painted though....

So here they are, a final look at four Imperial Guard vehicles that I don't think I ever got around to posting on this blog anway.

They're up on eBay by the way. If anyone's interested, leave a comment and I'll send you a link

They're up on eBay by the way. If anyone's interested, leave a comment and I'll send you a link.

So long guys. You Chimera's weren't much use, but those Leman Russ' nearly won me a battle or two.

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